Research & Fact Sheets


Below is a collection of white papers that AASAS, in partnership with various researchers, has written to contribute to research on sexual violence in our province.

Prevalence of Sexual Assault and Childhood Sexual Abuse in Alberta – Key Findings

Until now, the most recent data on the prevalence of child sexual abuse in Canada was from a study chaired by Dr. Robin Badgely that took place 36 years ago.

Partnering with the Government of Alberta and the reputable research firm of R.A. Malatest and Associates, the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS) undertook research modelled on the 1984 study but expanded to gather information on sexual assault throughout the lifespan – under the age of 18, over the age of 18, and combined data.

The key findings of this research – Prevalence of Sexual Assault and Childhood Sexual Abuse in Alberta (2020) – provide insight into the prevalence and nature of Albertan’s experiences of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault throughout their lifetime.

Campus Sexual Violence: Guidelines for a Comprehensive Response

Campus Sexual Violence: Guidelines for a Comprehensive Response was developed by the Ending Violence Association of British Columbia (EVA BC) to support university and college campus communities in their response to sexual violence. The guidelines assist in the development and revision of policies and protocols, and outline various disclosure and reporting options, services, and accommodations that may be available to survivors. They also provide guidance around confidentiality and information sharing and highlight the critical components of campus sexual assault training and education.

Surveying the Landscape: Sexual Violence Plans from Around the World

This report was created in partnership by AASAS and Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence to facilitate discussion with the Government of Alberta around the primary prevention of sexual violence and to inform the development of a sexual violence action plan for Alberta. While this report focuses on sexual violence prevention, subsequent efforts will focus on sexual health strategies to create a fulsome sexual violence and sexual health prevention plan for Alberta.

Guidelines for Sexual Violence Remote Counselling: Wise Practices to Build on

This Wise Practices Guideline (Guideline) focuses on remote counselling approaches for sexual trauma, recognizing that the evidence base for processing sexual violence trauma across the life span via remote technology is still in its infancy. The scope of this Guideline includes remote sexual violence counselling for individuals and groups, across the life span, and with respect for choice, equity, inclusion, and cultural safety. It also includes wise practices for therapist wellbeing, education, and supervision that are emerging in the grey and academic literature. The scope of this Guideline is limited to synchronous therapeutic approaches via telephone and videoconferencing.

Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence: Preliminary Research

This report was created in partnership by AASAS and Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence to facilitate discussion with the Government of Alberta around the primary prevention of sexual violence, and to support the development of a sexual violence action plan for Alberta.

Intersection of Domestic and Sexual Violence – AASAS Review

This updated literature review examines literature published since the release of the report entitled Identifying potential for collaboration: Comparing and contrasting the service delivery needs of clients in women’s shelters with clients of sexual assault centres in Alberta (Identifying Potential for Collaboration Report, 2006) (Fotheringham, 2006) specifically with respect to the intersection between domestic and sexual violence, as well as the area of uniqueness and needed specialization of sexual violence. Four recommendations are included in the spirit of supporting the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services (AASAS) vision of an Alberta free from sexual assault and sexual abuse.

Clinical Models of Treatment for Trauma Experiences and Symptoms specific to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault

This report is a scan of the literature from 2005-2012 to locate clinical models of treatment for trauma experiences and symptoms specific to sexual abuse and sexual assault.

Child Sexual Abuse: A Cursory Review of Risk and Protective Factors for Victimization and Perpetration

There is a significant body of literature investigating child sexual abuse risk and protective factors. The following report provides an overview of risk and protective factors for both child sexual abuse victimization and perpetration and provides recommendations for consideration.