
A summary of Government agencies and organizations that have given financial contributions to our network of sexual assault services. 

Financial Contributors

AASAS is deeply grateful to the Government agencies and organizations listed below for their financial contributions to our network of sexual assault services.  This funding supports the valuable work of AASAS and our member services to increase awareness of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment, the impact of sexual violence on Albertans, as well as striving to ensure all Albertans affected by sexual violence have access to healing and justice programs, supports and services.

The Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services is funded by:

Thank you for your generosity, for acknowledging AASAS as a provincial leader and for recognizing the inherent value and need for specialized sexual assault services for all Albertans.

AASAS would also like to recognize the support of the Chateau Lacombe Hotel Edmonton for their meeting and hospitality services.